Storm season is here. Severe storms can happen at any time during the year, but are most common during the months of March through July. According to the National Weather Service, Missouri ranks in the top 10 in the United States among states where tornadoes are common.
When storms are approaching, an emergency weather radio may help save a life. A weather radio provides you with continuous local and regional weather information from the National Weather Service. Weather radios are programmable, so you can customize your radio to fit your needs. You may choose to program your radio to sound weather alerts for a single county or for multiple counties.
Emergency weather radios may be purchased at Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative during regular business hours, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Programming instructions are available with your radio, or if needed, a representative with HOEC will program it for you at the time of your purchase. Click here for more information about emergency weather radios, or call the cooperative office at (417) 256- 2131, or toll free at 1(888) HOE-POWER.