Office closed January 2

The business office will be closed Monday, Jan. 2, 2023, for New Year's Day, but dispatch will still be available 24/7. If you have an outage, be sure to report it here through the website, or by calling 417-256-2131 or 1-888-HOE-POWER. From our family to yours, have a safe and Happy New Year!

Retiree Luncheon

Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative held a retiree luncheon on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022. Twenty-six (26) retirees attended the lunch and had the opportunity to view new equipment purchased by the Coop. Each retiree shared with current employees, a little about their time with HOEC and were presented with a small appreciation gift. It was an opportunity for current employees to learn about the coop world from many who paved the way, serving members as early as 1948.

How Drought May Lead to a Power Outage

dead tree in power line

With the drought this year (and past years), have you noticed the number of mature trees that have and/or are dying? Many of the outages for Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative members this year are being caused from these trees that are near the Right of Ways. When they die, the wind can either take the whole tree down through our line or large branches can come down causing an outage.



Our neighboring cooperatives have reported that members have received surveys in the mail from an organization based out of Columbia, Mo. Please know this survey is NOT from Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative or your local cooperative and we will not receive any results from this survey.